Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

In Honor of All Veterans - active and inactive

Thank you to all our military for the service you provide this country.  It is greatly appreciated.

This photo is to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to this country and as a prayer to keep all the others safe.

Thank you.

Please tell us a story of a veteran close to your heart. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Visit to PAWS Animal Shelter

Although this shelter is primarily cats, they take on orphans of any kinds - including mice, possums, squirrels and more.  Wild animals are released back into the wild after they are weaned and domestic animals are found homes.  They do not kill any animals!  You can check them out on facebook by clicking HERE.

Great idea for a bed!
Shelving form Ikea becomes "bunk" beds
this fellow is George.  He has cerebral palsy, but doesn't know he's any different than the others - and a lover!!! Oh my he cuddles!

a Mona Lisa smile

Grocho Marx

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Dad

Life has been up and down the last few weeks.  I lost my desire to be creative.  My muse has been silent.

My dad was an amazing man.  He was a simple man.  A man of few words.  But I learned to be honest, giving and kind from him.  I learned that creativity is a blessing to be nurtured and that art, of any kind, is beautiful and personal.  And I loved him with all my heart.

On October 10 dad had a heart attack and on October 13 he died.  At 56 I was suddenly reduced to a four year old child, completely consumed with the loss of my daddy.  Lost, in pain and confused.  We knew he wasn't well.  We knew his time was soon.  I thought I was prepared.  But I wasn't.  And now, nearly a month later, I'm still trying to move forward, one step at a time.

I'm feeling my muse trying to speak to me - telling me to get out and look at the world.  See the things that dad found so beautiful - the fall colored leaves, the misty mornings, the warmth of the sun.  I'm slowly pulling the curtain back - and just when I think its clear to come out, it hits me again.

But I will survive. Dad taught me that.  Life does go on.  So today I will go out and look at the world.  I will see the things he loved and I will smile.  Welcome back my muse.